
Sunday 22 May 2016

Jeronimo wrote a one-sentence story based on this image:

It was written first on a white board, and then typed out here:

We are working on sentences using this template: WHEN (At night time,) WHO (the teeny tiny truck) WHAT HAPPENED (is in the big car.)

Thursday 19 May 2016

Rows and Columns

Learning multiplication with rows and columns:

First, count the columns, then count the rows, lastly count the circles. This is how we learn multiplication from an array of columns and rows.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Max the Dog

Here is a picture of the story Jeronimo wrote after reading Max the Dog:

We have since talked about missing words like "is". We have also studied the work "stuck", sounding it out to correct it from "sauk" as Jeronimo has written.

Here is an exercise made from Jeronimo's story:

Thursday 12 May 2016

Columns and Robots!

Here is a maths exercise to help with columns:

Here are some robot drawings. Jeronimo drew a leg of this one to make a robot with a group.

This is one he did on his own. Once he colours it in, it will go up on the wall.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Some maths exercises with pairs, groups, rows and columns.

First comes drawing the triangles.

Then circling pairs.

Then trying groups of three.

After groups, it's time to try organising them into groups of rows and columns. Here are two exercises of counting columns, shapes, and totals.